Chasing the Pounds. ££££

Post-Pandemic back to office life, continued working from home, changing careers thoughts and recovering bank balances are all on the calendar, but ahead of the race is what we call CHASING THE POUND. Or SPENDING it as soon as it comes in. Both sides of the coin. Money that is – not the waist line, but if truth be told expanded waistlines certainly grew during lockdowns and not always due to closed gyms.

Mental health issues and depleted vision can be weary companions for stalling, alongside our chum procrastination.

Since March 2020, wallet contents got smaller, savings depleted and worry back on the menu for payback, loans and second jobs. It’s normal to want to pay back quick, get out of debt and end the shame of it all. Debt in itself is not shaming – it’s how we ( or others ) view it. That’s the rub, but even manageable debt needs regular attention. PACING PAYBACK is essential however so that balance on all levels are achieved.

Stuffing unopened mail in drawers never helped me way back but it did lead to me facing the daisies by going voluntary bankrupt in 1984 – with no credit allowed anywhere for 5 years – unlike today, where softer options are available.

So yes, I’ve been there and bounced back. Getting back on the horse is difficult at any time but pandemic tested all our resources. 

Reading books on Debt Disorders, understanding causes with Debtors Anonymous are first steps for financial turnaround. COMMUNICATION is the key. But putting ACTION in is equally vital. I have sat with clients who cant face unopened envelopes stuffed in drawers, so I ask whether they are willing to bring them to session to open them in front of me. Yes it works. I have even had clients phone CC Companies and banks while in session. This trains those who can’t face FACE.

Working with a Recovery Coach F2F or Online, to address debt maybe the solution to other issues too and reduced rates for current budgets apply. This can be discussed at a FREE Introduction with no push for follow up.

You don’t have to be in a 12 Step Programme either to address debt it’s just a vehicle some jump on for support, but working with the Jerrold Mundis book is a good start for anyone. 

Recovery Coaching for People Who Do Too Much

We all know them.


Workaholics. Alcohol Dependents. Coke fiends. Chem users. Painkillers. Exercise Addicts. Codependents. People Pleasers. Compulsive Helpers. Gamblers. Debtors Etc.

Maybe you are one of them, getting nowhere fast, riding through treacle in avoidance of the core issue.

Living Life In Balance is an acquired art, requiring practice, discipline and observation – difficult to do alone – which is why working with an experienced Recovery Coach & Evolutionary Breathworker WORKS.

I have been clean & sober since 1982 with 12 Step Programmes and a Somatic Breathworker since 1988, so I know that it’s possible to RE-BALANCE YOUR LIFE, take hold, redress with ‘purposeful using’ if dependent or abstention if needed. Step work has been my solution plus outside help, but sessions are not guided by it or required to use in or out of session, nor is there requirement to develop the spiritual side. The client leads the session in their requirements.

SOLUTIONS : First focus on present current issues and what ACTION needs to take place.

Second, deal with emotional suppression, overwhelm and helplessness which can lead to or enhance depression and more walking into escape routes that damage, continue and bring you back to a spiral of much of the same. I have been there, so no judgement involved, just practical solutions for change.

_DSF6211-Edit-Edit-EditAnother SOLUTION is calling me. David Parker on 07483 287470

Leave a voicemail if I don’t pick up, or email me with what your problem is. 

I see anyone FREE for 2 hours with no obligation to carry anything further with me or can direct you to other avenues of solution. Someone did this for me 36 years ago – I’m just giving it back. Euston venue.

or buy the book above. It’s a start.

Ted Roger’s confirms the value of Breathwork for mental health issues.


10570275_10152898518950149_332370818695223401_nI’m Ted, 23 years old, and I first discovered ‘New Style’ Rebirthing Breathwork through David Parker, ( here on the right of this pic ) a Breathworker with 30 years experience, after he suggested I try breath work and I trust his sound judgement so I decided to come to an individual 3 hour session and give it a go.

But from someone who has been diagnosed bi-polar (rapid-cycling) for 7 years and suffered many ins and outs of depression, medication, therapists and institutions, at first I was sceptical and I also find communicating with people and systems somewhat of a task due to my Aspergers (High-Functioning) syndrome, diagnosed in my teenage years. I was not convinced that breathing would really have that much of an impact on me. I had done meditation and Bikram yoga which both centre heavily around breathing and mostly the outcomes of these activities had been a headache or general exhaustion.

Most importantly I have found Rebirthing breath work to be the most effective form of therapy in helping me through tough patches of depression. And if we consider that I have been through many a psychiatric professional, various institutions and 13 different medications over 6 years I think you can agree that this is somewhat of a profound discovery.

What Breathwork does is it gets you past your intellectual barriers and complicated head based reasoning and puts you into your body. It reaches deep into your soul and gives it a good massage and a shake. What this allows you to do is become unstuck. One of my biggest difficulties with depression is getting stuck. Either in a hole or a loop or a sticky pool of mud. Regardless of the work I have done the day before I wake up the next day in the same pool of shit I started in the day before. This winter I experienced this cycle for an excruciating 4 months and I am still not entirely free of it. However, when I have attend a breath work session it has always shifted something. I can’t always put my finger on what but I can feel that within me something has moved. This in turn has helped to remove me partially if not entirely out of my loop/whole/pool of mud in the space of a few hours.

This is incredible!

Never before could anything get me out of these ruts. Only recreational drugs or extreme life situations ever had any effect; and these two options come with negative longterm consequences whereas breath work does not. Price wise it is even reasonable. Especially compared to other alternative therapies and private medical care. For me I have found accessing therapies through the NHS extremely traumatic and the end result was that I was left on drugs without monitoring or any sort of talking/holistic therapies. Rebirthing breath work has begun a process in me. And I will continue to use it as therapeutic tool for as long as it serves me. I have huge gratitude for David and the assistants who help him in URBAN LIFECLASS group sessions, for showing me breath work and allowing me some release and progress from depression. This is how Breathwork makes me feel : Refreshed, ALIVE, Energised and FREE . . .


by Ted Rogers : Dancer/Performer/Writer/Artist/ Blogger/Poet/Model/Stylist