Somatic Evolutionary Breathwork & Spiritual Development in Scotland

David Parker writes . . .

I’ve never feared a challenge or doing something off-mainstream, as my CV illustrates. I started the first Rebirthing Group specialising in Codependency Recovery in 1990. Between 1994 -96 I served in a Spiritually based HIV clinic in London, using Breathwork with those dying of AIDS, secretly funded by George Micheal & Elton John as the NHS refused to fund it. We used a medium to determine which therapies each client needed and Breathwork proved to be so advantageous that there was a waiting list for treatments. 

In 1998 I was one of the first Breathworkers with a website – marketing my work to niche markets. Thankfully Breathwork in 2019 is now more than lying on a mat exhaling, but still needs to span out beyond the obvious yoga based, wellness model market.

I never really fitted into traditional fields of healing, though I give gratitude to the old LRT ( Loving Relationship Training ) in the 80’s who encouraged me to break into specialised markets with Rebirthing Breathwork instead of placing a few business cards in a Whole Food Shop or Yoga Centre. I prefer bringing folk to Breathwork via social media, who would never go near a Self Help Wellness bookshelf. Far more gratifying.

Marianne Williamson’s A Course In Miracles cassette tape ‘Ambition v Inspiration’ in the 90’s guided me into taking plausible risks, and as she often said in her lectures “if you don’t do it, who will? . . . You could be the FIRST.”

Although I work with all sexualities and genders, I created the first LGBTQ Breathwork Programme in Europe in 1994 and continued from there focusing on addiction, separations and releasing toxic relationships with codependency work. No point in finding the power of your breath if you don’t use the power of your voice. No more silence, ask for your needs to be met, is the mantra.
In 2004 I was invited to work in Estonia with Adult Children of Alcoholics, a genetic result of Soviet times, when information was limited. Another First. I have been there 11 times now, the last in 2017. 

Having created with Mike Delaney the 1st coupling of Evolutionary Breathwork and Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy anywhere in the world in September 2018 ( check out the side page on this site ) we have created another first together, combining Somatic Evolutionary Breathwork with Spiritual & Psychic Development.

Mike had attended a couple of our 5 day Spiritual Breathwork Retreats in Marrakech sparking great changes in his life and suggested we teamed up with Medium Claire Woods in a new Spiritual Centre in Shotts nr Glasgow, breaking new markets.

So an Experiental Workshop was set up for late March and we became the first user of the group room. Number ONE is certainly our number.

After a Introduction to Breathwork from me we started on chairs in a circle to see who was in the room, backgrounds and shared experiences. After an hour we paired people up with chairs facing each other making sure they were comfortable, with blankets ready, as conscious connected breathwork can reduce body temperature within the hour long breathe.

Gently those present started the EYE GAZE breathe, staring into their partners face with open eyes and breathing the ‘conscious connected breath’ through the mouth.

Instructing these ‘new breathers’ to inhale up to the chest deeply with a soft and gentle exhale ( two thirds in, one third out ) the ones with the most psychic development experienced this SUPER VENTILATION method very, very quickly, as they were used to letting go, not holding back, and suppressed material flowed freely into tears, without reliving memories of emotional withhold.

While others, newer to Spiritual Development Classes run by Clare Woods took longer for the breath to develop into an altered state of consciousness, but they too broke into a blissful, relaxing, rejuvenating body space. The group discussion after noted that many went into psychic trance during the breath and this could be witnessed with body movements and spontaneous breath changes.

After a great lunch, ( . . breathwork can make you very hungry,) we continued into another breath session, this time a breathe on the floor, laying flat on duvets, mats and covered in blankets for another I hour delve into the unconscious release of trapped emotional trauma. Feedback from participants was very encouraging, in person and on Facebook.

Word of mouth in Spiritual Development/Psychic Circles has already provoked Clare to invite me back for a weekend next time, as these ‘newbies’ to Breathwork, tell their friends how powerful, enlightening and healing it all was. And unforgettable.

Private sessions on the Monday was equally transformative and enlightening with people new to Breathwork.

The Blossom through Life Centre is set in glorious countryside, do checkout their FB page. for future events. 


My New Adventure. Linking Breathwork with Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy.



Mike Delaney attended 2 of our Marrakech 5 day Retreats ( over a 7 day period ) in 2016 and 2017.

17th January 2016 :430062_3261424939950_872411794_nkeep-calm-and-love-maroc-34

“This week has been one of the most profound, mind-blowing, painful at times but spiritually healing experiences of my recovery.

I would highly recommend URBAN Lifeclass Coaching and Breathwork Retreats to anyone who wants to go that little bit deeper in self development work. You have to be brave enough to trust the process but, My God it’s worth it!!

My utmost gratitude to David Parker and Meleeshka for their knowledge and skills and to all of my new friends for their love, support and laughter every day. Thank you so much x “

Mike Delaney RNMH MBACP
Addictive Behaviour Specialist

Mike Delaney is a leading authority in the treatment of addictions with over 30 years’ consultancy experience with individuals, rehabilitation centres, and professional bodies in the UK and internationally.

There was no Equine Assisted Therapy on our Retreat, Mike came for his own well-being, but all details are on his website