Chasing the Pounds. ££££

Post-Pandemic back to office life, continued working from home, changing careers thoughts and recovering bank balances are all on the calendar, but ahead of the race is what we call CHASING THE POUND. Or SPENDING it as soon as it comes in. Both sides of the coin. Money that is – not the waist line, but if truth be told expanded waistlines certainly grew during lockdowns and not always due to closed gyms.

Mental health issues and depleted vision can be weary companions for stalling, alongside our chum procrastination.

Since March 2020, wallet contents got smaller, savings depleted and worry back on the menu for payback, loans and second jobs. It’s normal to want to pay back quick, get out of debt and end the shame of it all. Debt in itself is not shaming – it’s how we ( or others ) view it. That’s the rub, but even manageable debt needs regular attention. PACING PAYBACK is essential however so that balance on all levels are achieved.

Stuffing unopened mail in drawers never helped me way back but it did lead to me facing the daisies by going voluntary bankrupt in 1984 – with no credit allowed anywhere for 5 years – unlike today, where softer options are available.

So yes, I’ve been there and bounced back. Getting back on the horse is difficult at any time but pandemic tested all our resources. 

Reading books on Debt Disorders, understanding causes with Debtors Anonymous are first steps for financial turnaround. COMMUNICATION is the key. But putting ACTION in is equally vital. I have sat with clients who cant face unopened envelopes stuffed in drawers, so I ask whether they are willing to bring them to session to open them in front of me. Yes it works. I have even had clients phone CC Companies and banks while in session. This trains those who can’t face FACE.

Working with a Recovery Coach F2F or Online, to address debt maybe the solution to other issues too and reduced rates for current budgets apply. This can be discussed at a FREE Introduction with no push for follow up.

You don’t have to be in a 12 Step Programme either to address debt it’s just a vehicle some jump on for support, but working with the Jerrold Mundis book is a good start for anyone.